Please come along to our next Sharing Assembly on Friday 28th February at 2.30pm - all parents welcome!
GEMS for Spring Term 2025
Chestnut 194
Hazel 188
Willow 168
Oak 221
(Friday 14th February 2025)
In the second half of the spring term 2025, our whole-school topic theme is 'Poles Apart' - a cool geography theme!
Do you, or someone you know, have a child due to start school in September 2025? Take a look at our 'Starting School' page. For a photo guided tour of the Reception classroom and outdoor space, go to the Sparrow Class page and scroll to the bottom. To arrange a school tour please contact the school office. Click here to apply for a place...
Read the latest copy of our award winning school newspaper - click here...
Read our latest OFSTED report - click here...
E-Safety advice for parents - click here for advice and support in keeping your child safe on-line...
Spring Term 2025 Attendance:
(updated 14/02/2025)
Sparrows = 95.1%
Starlings = 96.0%
Woodpeckers = 94.8%
Owls = 94.5%
Well done to Starlings for the best class attendance so far in the spring term!
Chestnut = 95.7%
Willow = 93.9%
Hazel = 94.7%
Oak = 96.0%
Well done to Oak for the best team attendance so far in the spring term!
Whole school attendance so far
for 2024/2025 = 95.7%
Our Target = above 96.0%
We hope you like our website. If you would like to leave feedback, please click here...
Please note: parents may request paper copies of school documents by contacting the school office.