Owl Class - Year 5 and Year 6 

Welcome to Owls- Welcome to Owls- Welcome to Owls- Welcome to Owls- Welcome to Owls- Welcome to Owls

Class Teachers: Miss Stevens & Mrs Stanley

Teaching Assistants: Ms Frampton and Ms Pirrie 

What is it like in Owl Class?

Here in Owl Class we learn about lots of different parts of the curriculum each day including: English, maths, topic, science, French, geography, R.E, RSE, art, P.E and lots more. Sometimes, when we get the morning learning done, we can do art and other curriculum linked work. For example we have created: Ancient Greek temples, a light maze, bear caves and a piece of artwork based on mandalas.

We have terrific trips, courageous camp (where you overcome your fears) and in groups you do different activities like canoeing, wall climbing and lots more.

There are lots of jobs Owls can do, including: GEMs Leaders, sports leaders, Reading Stars, (where we help others with their reading) and only Owl Class can do these jobs!

You can win weekly awards; like person of the week, person of the half-term and lots of certificates for other activities inside and outside of school!

Written by Y6 pupil

Year 6 SATs - 12th-15th May 2025

Is your child in Year 6 and about to take their end of KS2 SATs?

Please click on the PowerPoint file below to watch the presentation about Y6 SATs.  if you wish to find out more or have any questions, please contact Miss Stevens, Mrs Stanley or Mr Briar.

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Owls Computing

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Useful documents to support home learning

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List of websites to support English home learning

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List of websites to support maths home learning

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Online learning login information-

MyMaths-  If you do not already have login details, please contact the school via phone or email and we will provide you with these for your child.

Times tables rock stars (TTRS)- If you do not already have login details, please contact the school via phone or email and we will provide you with these for your child.They can complete any of the levels on there they would like to.


To find out more about our topic children can login to the curriculum visions website and find out more by reading the online books and watching the videos.

Username- ashcott.primary

Password- TA79PP


Additionally, they can research the topic by logging onto Discovery Education-

Username- student3848

Password- learning




Spelling-Finally vanquish bad spelling with Sir Linkalot’s ‘linking’ animated videos and quizzes.

Learn spelling in an easy, remarkably effective way by using quick memorable animations and quizzes. Bitesize boosts for school spelling tests and SATS. 

Sir Linkalot is on a quest to make ”I can’t spell” a thing of the past. Helping students of any age with spelling, punctuation, and grammar based on linking (SPAGBOL). 



SPAG with MrMCGrammar-

Home learning of SPAG through rap, rhyme and music. Lots of videos on YouTube covering many aspects of the SPAG curriculum.



Talk for Writing

Free 'talk for writing' home-school units. The units are age related, but writing could be inspired with ideas from any of the units. Lots of writing support, starters, prompts, planning ideas and activities. There are also art links, reading comprehension links, SPAG activities and much more! 

Have a look and see where your child's imagination leads them!


The literacy shed- a fantastic website with lots of photos, videos and online books to inspire writing. The website also includes writing ideas, story starters and questions to provoke thinking.



Pobble 365- A brilliant website with lots of photos on to inspire writing. The website also includes writing ideas, story starters and questions to provoke thinking.




For a daily dose of creativity and fun, check out their '10 Minute Challenges', which are set by bestselling authors and illustrators - they add a new challenge to this page every single day! For more author videos and free resources, check out their 'classroom' page.



 See below for some daily writing prompts from Authorfy.

English-some useful resources

 Fiction Revision Mat.pdfDownload
 Non Fiction Reading Responses Yr5Y6.docDownload
 Non Fiction Reading Revision Mat.pdfDownload
 Non Fiction Revision Mat.pdfDownload
 Poetry Reading Revision Mat.pdfDownload
 Poetry Revision Mat.pdfDownload
 Simple Story Planning Template.pdfDownload
 Snakes and Ladders Board Game.pdfDownload
 Task 1 Advertise Your Town.pdfDownload
 Task 10 A First Visit.pdfDownload
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⚡️⚡️The DAILY PROPHET- BREAKING NEWS- the Wizarding world, now open to Muggles. See below for more information. ⚡️⚡️The DAILY PROPHET- BREAKING NEWS- the Wizarding world, now open to Muggles. See below for more information⚡️⚡️

Harry Potter-At Home

See the link below for the 'Harry Potter at home hub'. Where you'll find all the latest magical treats including art & craft videos (teach your friends how to draw a Niffler), fun pieces to read, including guides to the Wizarding world and character information, quizzes, puzzles, crosswords, wordsearches and plenty more. You can even download a FREE copy of the audiobook of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (read by Stephen Fry).


Harry Potter-A History of Magic

The Harry Potter exhibition was first put together in 2017 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first book by J.K Rowling. Originally, you needed to head to the British library in London to see the exhibition, but they have decided to bring the exhibition online for people to enjoy.

It is available through the link below. It includes original writing, sketches, illustrations, plans, objects, items, muggle magic, history, facts, magic lessons, a look at fantastic beasts and much, much more. You can enter a 360 degree 'classroom' where you can explore and learn more about magical subjects such as potions, herbology, charms, astronomy, divination, defence against the dark arts and care of magical creatures. 



"Because that's what Hermione does." said Ron, shrugging. "When in doubt, go to the library."

         -Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

⚡️You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart. You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuffs are true & unafraid of toil. Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind, where those of wit and learning, will always find their kind. Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends. ⚡️



Enjoy storytime with their free online books and videos, play games, win prizes, test your knowledge in their book-themed quizzes, or even learn how to draw some of your favourite characters.



Link below to help choose your child's new book-



See below for a link to the 100 best books for children- 




How about tackling a maths problem of the day? Click on the link below to take on the challenge! 



 Or have a look at their Barvember challenges-



Or how about mixing maths and P.E and taking on the maths on the move challenge?

Find the sheet named 'Maths on the move' in the 'documents to be used each week' download section to download a bigger version and have a go!

See below for how we approach the different maths calculations in Owl class

Science- some useful resources

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Links below to some good sites with ideas and resources for being active at home.


Find the TLE youtube channel for wake up call videos and sports challenges set by their coaches.









Parts of the English, maths, languages, science and PSHE curriculum are covered on the following website. It aims to get you up and moving with active learning. Go and check out the different curriculum collections.

