Parent Volunteers
Parents are always welcome in school and we are keen to work together to support your child to achieve their best. As staff, we pride ourselves in being approachable and welcoming as we believe that children thrive when the school community work together in the best interest of the children in our care. There are also regular parents' evenings when you will have an opportunity to have a formal discussion with your child's teacher to discuss their progress. However we are always available to discuss any worries or concerns you may have about your child at the end of each day.
We also have a very active PTA who are always looking for more parents to help support fundraising events and to attend meetings. As a parent of a child at Ashcott School you are automatically a member of the PTA so please feel free to get involved wherever possible!
There are many ways in which parents can become more closely involved in the life of the school. Parents and friends currently help us by:
Some of our excellent parent volunteers on a visit to the local playing fields with Sparrow and Starling Classes |