

At Ashcott School, the intention of our MFL curriculum is to develop an interest in learning languages, both now and in the future. As part of our CLP, we aim to introduce the French language and French culture in fun and stimulating ways. We aim to embed the essential skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing so that children are aware of similarities and differences between cultures and are excited to be language detectives!


Our teaching and implementation starts from the learning objectives set out in the National Curriculum. Children in KS2 enjoy French lessons with their class teacher, learning and practising skills through singing, stories, playing games and feeling confident to ‘have a go’. Our focus is on listening and speaking skills, building up to reading and writing. At Ashcott, French is accessible for all and is fun for all learners, including teachers! We have a biennial ‘Languages Week’ for the whole school, including activities to enthuse all children about learning languages (eg. French breakfast, French maths, French artists, French books and stories, inviting members of the community in to share their love of languages too). Whole school activities are shared between classes, enabling children to be motivated and inspired by the work of others, especially their ‘buddies’.  

Teachers plan creatively to ensure children become increasingly fluent and confident in French, building on previous knowledge, but also investigating different languages and cultures, linked to half termly topics (e.g. Welsh, Spanish, Mandarin). More detail can be found in our half termly plans.