The school's last full inspection was in March 2019 and it was judged to be GOOD in all areas.

Please click on the links at the bottom of the page to download the full inspection reports.

 Here are some comments from the most recent full OFSTED inspection in March 2019 :

“Leaders have established a curriculum that is broad and engaging.” 

“Pupils have a wide range of exciting and engaging learning opportunities that stimulate their interest.”  

“Teachers' subject knowledge and their effective use of questioning ensure that pupils are challenged to think about their learning."

"Teaching assistants are highly effective and contribute to pupils' learning.  They encourage pupils to do their best."

“Parents...are very supportive of the school.  Parents particularly highlighted the school's caring ethos and welcoming atmosphere.

"There is a wide range of sports and after-school clubs for pupils to participate in, including at playtimes and lunchtimes.  Pupils...value these opportunities and are proud of their sporting achievements." "Music is a strong aspect of the school's curriculum and the school choir reflects the school's high expectations."

"There is an exceptionally strong culture of safeguarding in the school." "Pupils feel safe in school and understand how to keep themselves safe." "Pupils are polite, courteous and welcoming." "The school is calm and centred on learning."

The inspector also stated that: “Staff speak positively about the school and are proud to work there.  They respect the leaders of the school and feel supported.”

The report commented on the Early Years Foundation Stage: “Teachers provide well-planned activities that enthuse the children and are carefully matched to their learning needs." "Children are happy, confident and keen to share their ideas with others." "There is an acute sense of nurture and pastoral care." "Teaching is exciting and lessons flow seamlessly, building on previous learning." "Links with parents are strong."


The governing body were identified as effective in their role, supporting the school well: “Governors have a detailed understanding of the school and clearly communicate the strengths and areas that require further improvement."

 FINAL OFSTED Report - Dec 2024.pdfDownload
 OFSTED Report March 2019.pdfDownload
 OFSTED Short Inspection - March 2018.pdfDownload
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