Safeguarding Children - information for parents

Ashcott School takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and procedures for ensuring the safety and well-being of children at Ashcott School are robust.  For information about how the school carries out its duties and how parents can support the school, please download the parent leaflet below (paper copies are available in the school lobby).  All staff who work at the school follow the guidance set out in the Department for Education document 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' (available to download below). 

Our school's Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Richard Briar and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) is Serena Shore. 

Click here to go to the local Safeguarding Children website for further safeguarding information...

 Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Policy.pdfDownload
 safeguarding leaflet for parents.docxDownload
 Safeguarding Policy COVID-19 Addendum April 2022.docxDownload
 Safeguarding statement front desk.docxDownload
 Guidance for Staff Working in Schools.pdfDownload
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E-Safety Advice

Useful safety advice for parents in how to set-up your child's device safely - click here:

How to set-up your smartphone to restrict access:

Please click on the link below to access a really useful guide for parents about the app 'Tik-Tok' which is popular with young people of all ages at the moment. Whilst we would discourage all children of primary age from using this app as it is aimed at users aged 12+, we have been made aware that many children of primary age are already using the app - we hope this guide will empower parents to be aware of what the app is and how they can keep their child safe...

Tik-Tok E-Safety Advice

The Google Family Link App is free to download and can help you develop healthy online habits for all the family. Google Family Link - parent's set up guide | Internet Matters